듣기, 정답 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNAc6WM57iE
M: Good afternoon, everybody. This is Student President Sam Wilson. As you know, the lunch basketball league will begin soon. Many students are interested in joining the league and waiting for the signup sheet to be handed out at the gym. For easier access, we’ve decided to change the registration method. Instead of going to the gym to register, simply log into the school website and fill out the registration form online. Thank you for listening and let’s have a good league.
gym 체육관 registration 등록
W: Daniel, what are you doing in front of the mirror?
M: I have skin problems these days. I’m trying to pop these pimples on my face.
W: Pimples are really annoying, but I wouldn’t do that.
M: Why not?
W: When you pop them with your hands, you’re touching your face.
M: Are you saying that I shouldn’t touch my face?
W: Exactly. You know our hands are covered with bacteria, right?
M: So?
W: You’ll be spreading bacteria all over your face with your hands. It could worsen your skin problems.
M: Oh, I didn’t know that.
W: Touching your face with your hands is bad for your skin.
M: Okay, I got it.
pop 터뜨리다 pimple 여드름 annoying 신경에 거슬리는 bacteria 박테리아 spread 퍼뜨리다
M: Excuse me. You’re Chloe Jones, aren’t you?
W: Yes, I am. Have we met before?
M: No, but I’m a big fan of yours. I’ve watched your speeches on climate change, and they’re very inspiring.
W: Thank you. I’m so glad to hear that.
M: And, I also think your campaign about plastic pollution has been very successful.
W: As an environmental activist, that means a lot to me.
M: May I make a suggestion? I thought it’d be nice if more children could hear your ideas.
W: That’s what I was thinking. Do you have any good ideas?
M: Actually, I’m a cartoonist. Perhaps I can make comic books based on your work.
W: That is a wonderful idea. Can I contact you later to discuss it more?
M: Sure. By the way, my name is Jack Perse. Here’s my business card.
climate change 기후 변화 campaign 캠페인 environmental activist 환경 운동가 suggestion 제안 comic book 만화책 business card 명함
W: Yesterday, I decorated my fish tank like a beach.
M: I’d like to see it. Do you have a picture?
W: Sure. Here. [Pause] Do you recognize the boat in the bottom left corner?
M: Yes. It’s the one I gave you, isn’t it?
W: Right. It looks good in the fish tank, doesn’t it?
M: It does. I love the beach chair in the center.
W: Yeah. I like it, too.
M: I see a starfish next to the chair.
W: Isn’t it cute? And do you see these two surf boards on the right side of the picture?
M: Yeah. I like how you put both of them side by side.
W: I thought that’d look cool.
M: Your fish in the top left corner looks happy with its new home.
W: I hope so.
decorate 장식하다 fish tank 어항 recognize 알아차리다 starfish 불가사리
[Cell phone rings.]
M: Hello, honey. I’m on the way home. How’s setting up Mike’s birthday party going?
W: Good, but I still have stuff to do. Mike and his friends will get here soon.
M: Should I pick up the birthday cake?
W: No, that’s okay. I already did that.
M: Then, do you want me to put up the balloons around the doorway when I get there?
W: I’ll take care of it. Can you take the table out to the front yard?
M: Sure. Are we having the party outside?
W: Yes. The weather is beautiful so I made a last minute change.
M: Great. The kids can play with water guns in the front yard.
W: Good idea. I’ll go to the garage and grab the water guns.
doorway , 현관 문간 garage 차고
W: Welcome to Green Eco Shop. How can I help you?
M: Hi, do you sell ecofriendly toothbrushes?
W: Yes, we have a few types over here. Which do you like?
M: Hmm.... How much are these?
W: They’re $2 each. They are made from bamboo.
M: All right. I’ll take four of them.
W: Excellent choice. Anything else?
M: I also need bath sponges.
W: They’re right behind you. They’re plasticfree and only $3 each.
M: Okay. I’ll also take four of them. That’ll be all.
W: If you have a store membership, you can get a 10% discount off the total price.
M: Great. I’m a member. Here are my credit and membership cards.
toothbrush 칫솔 bamboo 대나무
[Cell phone rings.]
M: Hey, Suji. Where are you?
W: I’m in the library checking out books. I’ll be heading out to the science lab for our experiment in a couple of minutes. M: I guess you haven’t checked my message yet. We can’t do the experiment today.
W: Really? Isn’t the lab available today?
M: Yes, it is, but I canceled our reservation.
W: Why? Are you still suffering from your cold?
M: No, I’m fine now.
W: That’s good. Then why aren’t we doing the experiment today? We need to hand in the science report by next Monday. M: Unfortunately, the experiment kit hasn’t been delivered yet. It’ll arrive tomorrow.
W: Oh, well. The experiment has to wait one more day, then.
library 도서관 check out (책을) 대출하다 lab 실험실 experiment 실험 available 사용 가능한 reservation 예약
W: Honey, did you see the poster about the Stanville Freecycle?
M: Freecycle? What is that?
W: It’s another way of recycling. You give away items you don’t need and anybody can take them for free.
M: Oh, it’s like one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. Who can participate?
W: It’s open to everyone living in Stanville.
M: Great. Where is it taking place?
W: At Rose Park on Second Street.
M: When does the event start?
W: It starts on April 12 and runs for a week.
M: Let’s see what we can freecycle, starting from the cupboard.
W: Okay. But breakable items like glass dishes or cups won’t be accepted.
M: I see. I’ll keep that in mind.
participate 참가하다 run 계속되다 cupboard 찬장 breakable 깨지기 쉬운
M: Hello, River Valley High School students. This is your music teacher, Mr. Stailor. Starting on April 11, we are going to have the River Valley Music Camp for five days. You don’t need to be a member of the school orchestra to join the camp. You may bring your own instrument or you can borrow one from the school. On the last day of camp, we are going to film our performance and play it on screen at the school summer festival. Please keep in mind the camp is limited to 50 students. Signups start this Friday, on a firstcomefirstserved basis. Come and make music together!
orchestra 오케스트라 instrument 악기 performance 공연 limit 제한하다
W: Ben, do you have a minute?
M: Sure. What is it?
W: I’m trying to buy a handheld vacuum cleaner among these five models. Could you help me choose one?
M: Okay. How much are you willing to spend?
W: No more than $130.
M: Then we can cross this one out. What about the working time?
W: I think it should be longer than 10 minutes.
M: Then that narrows it down to these three.
W: Should I go with one of the lighter ones?
M: Yes. Lighter ones are easier to handle while cleaning.
W: All right. What about the filter?
M: The one with a washable filter would be a better choice.
W: I got it. Then I’ll order this one.
vacuum cleaner 진공청소기 cross ~ out ~ 줄을 그어 을 지우다 washable 씻을 수 있는 order 주문하다
M: My eyes are sore today.
W: Too bad. Maybe some dust got in your eyes.
M: You’re probably right. What should I do?
W: .
sore 아픈 dust 먼지
W: Excuse me. Would you mind if I sit here?
M: I’m sorry, but it’s my friend’s seat. He’ll be back in a minute.
W: Oh, I didn’t know that. Sorry for bothering you.
M: .
in a minute 곧 bother 귀찮게 하다
M: Hey, Jasmine.
W: Hi, Kurt. Are you going to be at home tomorrow afternoon?
M: Yeah, I’m going to watch the baseball game with my friends at home.
W: Good. Can I drop by your house and give you back the hammer I borrowed?
M: Sure. Come over any time. By the way, why don’t you join us and watch the game?
W: I’d love to. Which teams are playing?
M: Green Thunders and Black Dragons.
W: That’ll be exciting. What time should I come?
M: Come at five. We’ll have pizza before the game.
W: Perfect. Do you want me to bring anything?
M: Maybe some snacks to eat while watching the game.
W: .
drop by 잠깐 들르다 hammer 망치 borrow 빌리다
W: Hi, Tom.
M: Hi, Jane. What are you reading?
W: It’s a novel by Charles Dickens. I’m going to talk about it with my book club members this weekend.
M: Oh, you’re in a book club?
W: Yes. I joined it a few months ago. And now I read much more than before.
M: Really? Actually one of my new year’s resolutions is to read more books.
W: Then, joining a book club will surely help.
M: Hmm.... What other benefits can I get if I join one?
W: You can also share your reading experiences with others.
M: That’d be nice.
W: Yeah, it really broadens your mind. I really recommend you to join a book club.
M: .
novel 소설 new year’s resolution , 새해 다짐 새해 목표 broaden 넓히다 recommend 추천하다
M: Brian and Sally are walking down the street together. A blind man and his guide dog are walking towards them. Sally likes dogs very much, so she reaches out to touch the guide dog. Brian doesn’t think that Sally should do that. The guide dog needs to concentrate on guiding the blind person. If someone touches the dog, the dog can lose its focus. So Brian wants to tell Sally not to touch the guide dog without the permission of the dog owner. In this situation, what would Brian most likely say to Sally?
Brian: .
guide dog 안내견 concentrate 집중하다 permission 허락
W: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the health workshop. I’m Alanna Reyes, the head trainer from Eastwood Fitness Center. As you know, joints are body parts that link bones together. And doing certain physical activities puts stress on the joints. But the good news is that people with bad joints can still do certain exercises. They have relatively low impact on the joints. Here are some examples. The first is swimming. While swimming, the water supports your body weight. The second is cycling. You put almost no stress on the knee joints when you pedal smoothly. Horseback riding is another exercise that puts very little stress on your knees. Lastly, walking is great because it’s lowimpact, unlike running. If you have bad joints, don’t give up exercising. Instead, stay active and stay healthy!
joint 관절 relatively 비교적 impact , 충격 영향 body weight 체중 pedal 페달을 밟다 give up 포기하다
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